Intelligent Issue 05 | Page 41

I N D U S T R Y I N V E S T I G A T I O N require it . Whether verifying patient data or medication , tracking medical supplies or ensuring test samples are correctly labelled and routed , efficient data capture is key . For healthcare organisations looking to attract and retain staff , improving the data capture equipment and systems that nurses use daily is a key challenge .
Driving day-to-day delight
Resource-strapped healthcare organisations are now required to do even more , even faster . By introducing smart data capture solutions on smartphones , multiple daily processes can be brought together on a single , multi-use device that can easily slip into a nurse ’ s pocket to use at a moment ’ s notice . Staff will already be familiar with smart devices from personal use , so the experience is intuitive from the start . Onboarding can be made even faster and easier with Augmented Reality ( AR ) based information overlays , used to speed up training , reduce stress and improve productivity .
Dedicated scanning devices in hospitals are often part of Workstations on Wheels ( WoWs ), which nurses have to manoeuvre throughout their day , carting them around between or within patients ’ rooms . They require different battery packs and are often bulky and slow , making the simplest of tasks tedious and time-consuming .
Smart devices eliminate the need for sourcing the right equipment and wheeling it from patient to patient .
Clinical mobility and super-accurate scanning gives nurses instant availability of critical information right on the screen ; scanning multiple barcodes at once and
AR-powered picking also helps to quickly find the right medication for patients .
Luciane Ragni , Industry Solutions Manager Healthcare at Scandit
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