Intelligent Issue 07 | Page 36

THE MENTAL HEALTH SECTOR IS CRIPPLINGLY UNDERFUNDED . with an emphasis on prevention . This digital-first service offers a 100 % scalable approach that can be tailored to individual needs . For many , the entry to mental healthcare through Headspace acts as a soft introduction to coaching and therapy , which may previously have been seen as something ' not for me '. There is also a significant financial upside for companies using this stepped-care solution . Cost-effective subclinical support through coaching can be leveraged to maximum benefit within an employee population while reserving clinical solutions for those that need it .
F E A T U R E but , as with preventive care more generally , health systems and payors are not always as forward-looking as they could be – partly because of the pressure to solve for the more instantly measurable here and now .
One possible solution is employer health plans . Companies are increasingly seeing the multiple benefits of spending money on this , which include increased productivity , improved attraction and retention rates . Employees expect more from their employers today than ever before , including well-being benefits to support them in and outside of work .
Our recent Workforce Attitudes Report revealed that one-third of British workers felt their employer wasn ’ t doing enough to support their mental health and over 63 % admit they missed at least one day of work due to stress , anxiety or other mental health challenges .
Burnout is real within industries and with our International Care offering , we aim to help support struggling healthcare providers by empowering employers by providing a caring service that is designed

THE MENTAL HEALTH SECTOR IS CRIPPLINGLY UNDERFUNDED . with an emphasis on prevention . This digital-first service offers a 100 % scalable approach that can be tailored to individual needs . For many , the entry to mental healthcare through Headspace acts as a soft introduction to coaching and therapy , which may previously have been seen as something ' not for me '. There is also a significant financial upside for companies using this stepped-care solution . Cost-effective subclinical support through coaching can be leveraged to maximum benefit within an employee population while reserving clinical solutions for those that need it .

Our service offers unlimited 24 / 7 access to a team of highly-trained Headspace Health behavioural health coaches to build coping skills and manage day-to-day stressors related to general wellness , work , family and relationships , among others . This coaching is delivered via text with a market-leading response time – within two minutes – so employees can access the support they need in real-time or schedule sessions with a dedicated coach of their choice . Counselling services are also a part of the service offering and can be accessed via video , phone or in-person sessions with licensed counsellors trained in a range of clinical specialities .
There is now also the emerging subject of AI and what this means for the future of healthcare and approaches to mental health at large . Human contact and connection have historically been central to therapeutic practice , but with ChatGPT bringing the subject of AI into daily parlance , we often get questions about the use of AI within our mental health offering .
For us , our core belief and entire business model are anchored in human-led and human-focused care – the connection our members have via live conversations with coaches and therapists through chat , video or in-person is irreplaceable .
That said , we ’ re using AI highly selectively , for example , when providing users with personalised content recommendations or assisting care providers with note summarisation to improve care efficiency . We strongly believe that AI has a big role to play in reducing cost and increasing access to mental healthcare – both desperately needed . �
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