Digitalization , accelerated by new global challenges , is changing business models and manufacturing approaches across the spectrum of industries , including chemical manufacturing . The pace of innovation in digital technologies along with the ability of these technologies to disrupt established practices is becoming a key factor in global competition among chemical manufacturers . These changes may increase pressures on chemical manufacturing professionals , but at the same time they open up new business opportunities .
How can your chemical company seize upon these opportunities ? How can you invest strategically and wisely in digital systems so your company can reap the competitive advantages they offer ? Conversely , how can you avoid risky investments that could place your company in a financially precarious position ?
This paper sets out to address these questions in a meaningful and practical way . Our goal is to properly characterize and frame the challenges you face – challenges that take on a distinctive quality given the particulars of chemical manufacturing – and then to discuss the digital tools that will help you tackle these challenges today and into the future . �
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