Intelligent Issue 13 | Page 21

INFOGRAPHIC experiencebefore their period ) prior to their first period .

» A third of women ( 34 %) think period pain or PMS is ‘ just something to put up with ’.
» Almost one in four women ( 23 %) feel they have learnt more about women ’ s health from social media than they did in school .
» Only 28 % of women double-check the information they get about women ’ s health on social media .
» More than one in 20 women aged 18 to 24 ( 7 %) go to porn to gain new knowledge about sex and reproduction .
» Almost one in 10 women ( 8 %) believe that it ’ s ‘ normal ’ to soak through a pad or tamponevery hour .
» 34 % of women would like to grow their knowledge of women ’ s health . �
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