Intelligent Issue 13 | Page 65

That ' s OK . We have the ability to provide local hardware installations of the system as well as access via a Web browser . There really are no limitations for any customer who wishes to use our solution offering .
Could you share insights into the clinical impact of Contour + in reducing inter-observer variation and promoting standardised clinical practice ?
As shown in studies with Contour +, the inter-observer , expert oncologist variation is dramatically reduced on average by 20 %. Put the other way around , consistency increases by 20 %. This includes both organ-at-risk and treated target volumes with lymph nodes . It ’ s important to highlight that the consistency witnessed is not only a result of our AI models but also how we inadvertently maintain the clinical team ’ s expertise and knowledge as it relates to the industry standard contouring Guidelines .
Can you explain the Return on Investment ( ROI ) potential associated with Contour + and how it translates into both revenue and resource optimisation ?
There is tremendous ROI potential for any and all radiotherapy departments when deploying Contour + within their service . As an example , in the UK we are processing 2,750 patient scans across 27 NHS Trusts each month . This is about a quarter of all UK radiotherapy cancer patients .
This yields an estimated seven workingmonth ROI each month based on time saving and from an economic perspective , time is money ! But more importantly in our industry , time is a commodity that is precious and can be spent to address many common issues such as lack of resources , the ability to treat more patients and thereby reduce waiting lists etc .
How does Contour + ensure GDPR compliance and seamless integration with various hospital systems , including cloud-based solutions ?
Our cloud-based solution has been developed with the Safety-by-Design principle . This basically means that all data is de-identified by our Daemon software , which is installed on a low-powered server or a virtual machine in the hospital , before being sent to our cloud for processing . All data transfer and data at rest , are encrypted . This data is then permanently deleted within 24 hours of its receipt . This means that at any given moment there is no large database of de-identified images in our maintained cloud servers to be breached .
Looking ahead , what are your expectations for the future of AI in radiotherapy and how does MVision AI plan to further enhance its offerings in this field ?
It is obvious that AI has the potential to dramatically increase the efficiency and quality of radiotherapy . We will see more and more AI automation to undertake repetitive tasks thereby enabling clinicians to do what they want and need to do , and that is to focus on their patients . This does not mean we will no longer need the experts , on the contrary ! It is imperative that we train our clinicians to be competent in their ability to first understand , and secondly , how to monitor the AI-generated results . Similar to that of airline pilots who still have to undertake extensive training to fly planes , despite planes having an autopilot function ! I believe this is the direction of travel for radiotherapy as well . Consequently , MVision is offering new training tools with new product guides and verification to assist with this evolution of AI contouring tools . It is our responsibility to enable the experts to use AI safely and responsibly , while AI manufacturers are responsible for the safe and transparent development of AI . �
Jarkko Niemelä , CEO and Co-founder of MVision AI
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