Intelligent Issue 14 | Page 19

H E A L T H I N S I G H T S particularly in the areas measured by the Unified Parkinson ’ s Disease Rating Scale . Control groups have been set up for stroke patients and similar results have been announced using Virtual Reality .
In an immersive Virtual Reality setting , patients move around and interact positively , as if they were not medically impaired in any way . In other words , they recreate a normal way of life , reaffirming a positive recovery approach and returning to an everyday , healthy life . Visual and immersive experiences can help to build a positive mindset in patients , enhancing their ability to recover while undergoing treatment for life-threatening illnesses . By creating a feeling of wellness and a positive state of mind , the immune systems of patients experiencing life-threatening conditions can improve clinically .
As clinically known , image therapy is a popular method for improving patients ’ beliefs and elevating their self-esteem and confidence . Image therapy is a complementary tool meant for positive psychological rehabilitation that is added
to support traditional chemotherapy treatment , among others .
The benefits of creating an immersive Virtual Reality experience also hinge on converting the treatment and rehabilitation program into one that is engaging and fun . If rehabilitation is engaging and entertaining , patients will be motivated to complete the treatment and program successfully .
A virtual world with consultation with doctors and psychiatrists is created for the patient , supporting their reaffirmation of positive wellness and recovery after the treatment . Gamification is an essential element in this virtual world built by specialists . Research has demonstrated that immersive Virtual Reality with a headset and non-immersive Virtual Reality , similar to video games , reduces anxiety , pain and fatigue . Usually , the experience lasts a month and the benefits of each session continue for a few days .
Virtual Reality is also a valuable tool to consolidate patient feedback and track their recovery and neurophysiological changes during treatment and therapy .
The medical world has steadily adopted digital technologies such as Virtual Reality through specialised solution partners . Partners can recommend the best solutions and tools to be used by medical institutions to achieve the desired outcomes to fit the required use cases . �
Pavel Makarevich , Vice President of PROVEN Solution
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