Intelligent Issue 14 | Page 21

INFOGRAPHIC multiple patient fatalities , and the American Hospital Association warns that the resultant delays and interruptions in healthcare delivery

increase the risk of adverse outcomes , including more deaths .
Given these circumstances , it is crucial for the healthcare sector to minimize its risk and prioritise information protection .
Unfortunately , reality paints a different picture , with the industry often lagging behind in this area .
Several key factors contribute to this discrepancy :
» Legacy Systems : Many healthcare providers still use legacy systems that are no longer supported by vendors or are difficult to patch and update . These systems are often more vulnerable to cyberattacks , and healthcare providers must take extra precautions to protect them .
» Third-Party Reliance : Healthcare entities commonly engage with numerous third parties , further expanding the number of endpoints and users involved , thereby contributing to a growing threat surface . This report ’ s objective is to thoroughly examine the multitude of threats that pose challenges to the healthcare industry . We will begin by highlighting the significant trends currently affecting the industry and discuss the appropriate responses that healthcare entities should adopt . Subsequently , we will analyse the attack flow specific to the healthcare sector , offering actionable intelligence and recommended mitigations for each stage to illustrate how organisation can proactively identify and prevent attacks to avoid lasting impact . �
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