Intelligent Issue 14 | Page 3

E D I T O R ’ S N O T E


Greetings and a warm welcome to the latest instalment of Intelligent Health . tech . We trust that you have had a rejuvenating month and are eager to delve into the last edition of 2023 .

For our cover story , we feature Kathleen Mandziuk , Vice President of eClinical Development and Delivery at ICON .
ICON , a world-leading clinical research organisation , continues its work for improving research processes with its Clinical Trial Tokenisation . Using patient data tokenisation with realworld data , providing in-depth insights into drug safety and efficiency over time through advanced analytics . ICON ’ s dedication to data privacy , regulatory compliance and legal acumen makes them a foremost partner for research support . With access to a vast repository of patientbased health transactions , they ’ re poised to reshape evidence generation and research insights .
“ Being able to link healthcare data to follow a group of patients longitudinally and bi-directionally was really exciting . Not just from the commercial side , but also from the clinical and scientific side ,” said Mandziuk .
Read more on page 48 .
We shift our regional focus to the Middle East where we take a close look at Venous thromboembolism ( VTE ) – a significant and global health issue with rising prevalence in many regions , particularly the Middle East . In this article , Bernard Ross , CEO at Sky Medical Technology , tells us how MedTech can support VTE management on page 44 .
In October 2023 , UK Prime Minister , Rishi Sunak , announced the new legislation to create a smoke-free generation . On page 25 , our Editor ’ s Question asks : What technology will make the PM ’ s ‘ Smoke-free ’ generation possible and what technology may prevent the objective ? We hear from two experts from Smoke Free App and Broughton .
On page 32 , Nick Weston , Chief Commercial Officer at Lilli , explores how remote technology is transforming temperature controls in homes for the elderly and other public and private healthcare locations , preventing temperature-related illness .
This month ’ s Industry Investigation now turns to orthodontics in the digital era with an exclusive conversation with Dr Suliman Shahin on page 39 .


We also have a range of ‘ Intelligent ’ pages , which feature the latest in Artificial Intelligence , cloud , wearable technology , robotics , security and Virtual Reality .
I hope you enjoy this issue and if you would like to contribute to any future editions then please do not hesitate to contact me .
Ellen Flannery , Editor
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