Intelligent Issue 17 | Page 3

E D I T O R ' S N O T E


Greetings and a warm welcome to the latest instalment of Intelligent Health . tech . We trust that you have had a rejuvenating month and are eager to delve into another great edition .

For our cover story , we feature Dr Lara Jehi , Cleveland Clinic ’ s Chief Research Information Officer , as she delves into the pioneering collaboration with IBM , harnessing quantum computing and AI to revolutionise research and expedite medical breakthroughs .
“ By combining the expertise of medical professionals with the technological prowess of companies , the collaboration can lead to the development of innovative solutions that can revolutionise the healthcare industry . Partnerships such as Cleveland Clinic ’ s with IBM leverage our complementary strengths to work towards making significant strides to transform healthcare and bring muchneeded new treatments to patients ,” said Dr Jehi .
Read more on page 48 .
This month ’ s Editor ’ s Question delves into the critical topic of patient safety , coinciding with Patient Safety Awareness Week , running from 10 – 16 March 2024 . The intersection of technology and safety is profound , spanning cybersecurity , infection control , electronic health records ( EHRs ) and credentialing . To glean valuable insights from experts , I ask : How can new HealthTech advancements improve patient safety during critical care and routine healthcare ?
On page 32 , we hear from Michael Manuccia , CEO of FuturU , a platform providing free education and training to healthcare professionals on demand , who discusses the tech-filled future of education in the medical practice space .
This month ’ s Under the Microscope now turns to PMS supportive technology , where we hear from Laura Widney , Chief Innovation Officer at Soaak Technologies , on page 60 .
We also have a range of ‘ Intelligent ’ pages , which feature the latest in Artificial Intelligence , cloud , wearable technology , robotics , security and Virtual Reality .
I hope you enjoy this issue and if you want to contribute to any future editions , please contact me .
Ellen Flannery , Editor
We shift our Regional Focus to Africa on page 44 . While Africa continues to face challenges around healthcare accessibility and cost , there are glimmers of hope on the digital horizon , explains Rodney Taylor , MD at Guardian Eye .


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