Intelligent Issue 17 | Page 33



Learning and development is a key driver of job satisfaction within health and social care , but for too long , healthcare professionals have been left footing the bill for mediocre training . A survey of 500 nurses and care workers by FuturU showed that nearly half ( 42 %) of nurses and care workers are paying for their own training , despite it not meeting their needs a lot of the time . In some cases , the inadequacy of training is directly contributing to delays in life-saving treatment , putting patient outcomes at risk and low staff morale .

Despite these somewhat gloomy findings , our research did highlight some promising areas that are ripe for disruption . For example , we ’ re seeing a growing appetite for technology-led learning , with 86 % reporting they ’ d be willing to use digital devices to complete training courses . Half of those surveyed were also excited to complete training within virtual environments to build their practical skills .
Against this backdrop , it ’ s clear that a greater focus on technology-led learning could massively enhance the experience of staff , patients and care recipients . So , what does this look like in practice ?
Virtual training environments
For many nurses and care workers , the best part of training is shadowing someone on the job . Learning by watching and doing alongside an experienced professional is one of the most effective ways to understand the realities of healthcare work . However , it ’ s not always possible for everyone to get enough of this training .
Thankfully , AI can now simulate these real-world scenarios , allowing healthcare professionals to gain hands-on experience in the flow of work and life on a smartphone or computer . Being able to practice important tasks like medication administration or feeding and do this in a controlled environment where mistakes are free , can give people the confidence and skills to do their jobs with ease .
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