Intelligent Issue 19 | Page 11



DXC Technology , a leading Fortune 500 global technology services provider , has signed a framework agreement with Consip to digitally transform the Italian public healthcare sector .

Consip is the procurement arm of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance ( MEF ). It operates as Italy ’ s central purchasing body , supporting government organisations in their procurement activities and helping to direct complex and innovative transformation projects .
As part of the agreement , DXC will modernise Italy ’ s public healthcare information systems to maximise data analytics capabilities . Deploying innovative and advanced analytics solutions , including Artificial Intelligence , national healthcare organisations will be able to efficiently manage citizen and patient data , improving their experiences and delivering greater value for public services .
“ The public healthcare sector has an ever-growing volume of data , applications and systems that need to be carefully managed ,” said Nicola Mangia , Italy Public Sector General Manager at DXC Technology . “ We are helping to develop new models of healthcare services and infrastructure . These will synergise the public and private healthcare sectors and emphasise citizen experiences at the heart of the solution .”


NeuroCatch , a leading medical device company that enables rapid access to an objective assessment of brain health at the point of care , has announced the release of PeakSelect , an innovative software tool designed to improve clinical decision making . An enhancement to the NeuroCatch Platform , PeakSelect allows users to evaluate specific brain vital sign responses for precision medicine in patients undergoing portable neuro-physiological brain function assessment .

inform better clinical decision-making , more robust clinical trials , and more effective training regimes .”
While vital signs have long existed to measure and monitor the body ’ s basic functions – body temperature , pulse rate , respiration rate and blood pressure – as part of generally accepted healthcare practice , no such indicator has previously existed for brain health . Solving for this is NeuroCatch , a groundbreaking medical device that offers an objective evaluation of cognitive function , delivered in six minutes at the point of care , that measures and reports on brain responses , also known as event-related potentials ( ERPs ).
“ Since its inception , NeuroCatch has focused on delivering a simple , objective , economical platform to measure cognitive brain function , and PeakSelect further uplevels the value of the technology for healthcare professionals , researchers and those focused on performance optimisation ,” said Dr Ryan D ’ Arcy , President and Chief Scientific Officer of NeuroCatch parent company HealthTech Connex . “ The first of an ongoing cadence of planned software upgrades , PeakSelect enhances the impact of NeuroCatch ’ s brain health vital sign data to
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