for severe mental disorders . The NMHS indicates a 10 % prevalence rate for common mental disorders ( e . g ., anxiety , depression , substance use ) and a 0.8 % rate for severe mental disorders ( e . g ., schizophrenia , bipolar disorder ), meaning common disorders are 12.5 times more prevalent in the country . Severe mental disorders which need intensive specialist care are required by a smaller subset of the population . for donors to support . These models rely on community volunteers and are often integrated with government ' s District Mental Health Programmes , thereby reducing the burden on medical specialists . This model relies on task shifting or task sharing , wherein individuals living with mental health conditions receive care from community-based workers or volunteers . This community-based cadre , often known as ' lay volunteers ', is trained to deliver certain mental health services , recognising that not all mental health services require the expertise of a
psychiatrist or psychologist – tasks such as basic counselling , raising mental health awareness and ensuring medication adherence can be carried out by nonspecialists . Nonetheless , these nonspecialists can and do provide referrals up the value chain to medical specialists , as needed , for more severe conditions .
These models also align with the WHO ( 2009 ) recommendation that countries allocate a greater share of resources towards community-based and primary care services , for treating common mental disorders , and fewer
Donors can contribute to mental health capacity-building through programmes for professionals in the mental health space as well as nonspecialists and volunteers , while facilitating cross-sectoral partnerships to encourage collaboration , resourcesharing and cross-pollination of ideas across diverse fields .
Dr Shyam Bhat , Chairperson of the Live Love Foundation , remarks in the Foreword : " The report stresses the need for collaboration with government efforts and the vital role of community mental health services . CAPI ' s work inspires a united vision among the public , private , and nonprofit sectors , to make mental well-being a key development focus ."
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