Intelligent Issue 20 | Page 7



Artera , the SaaS digital health leader in patient communications , has announced the availability of two new analytics dashboards delivering healthcare providers visibility and performance metrics for :

• Patient engagement benchmarking : provides engagement benchmarks that healthcare providers can use as a target for improving their patient engagement performance internally and relative to their peers .
• No-show recovery revenue estimates : provides visibility into rescheduling and the associated financial benefits .
Both dashboards , available with Artera Harmony , expand the existing analytics capabilities , which deliver vital patient communications metrics such as patient engagement rate , message volume by practice , response time and more .
The expanded analytics capabilities of Artera Harmony come to market as health systems work to modernise and improve both their patient engagement and experience , without impacting their bottom line . In today ’ s hyper-competitive and resourcestrained market , every patient appointment , no-show recovery and digital engagement is critical to healthcare providers success .
“ Healthcare providers lack visibility into how their patient engagement measures relative to their peers and revenue missed due to poor engagement ,” said Guillaume de Zwirek , CEO and Founder , Artera . “ Access to patient engagement data is the first step , overlaying that data with benchmarks and ROI – tailored to an organisation ’ s type and size – is required to track and improve performance over time .”


GE HealthCare has announced Revolution RT , a new radiation therapy computed tomography ( CT ) solution with innovative hardware and software solutions to help increase imaging accuracy , while simplifying simulation workflow for a more personalised and seamless oncology care pathway experience for clinicians and patients . The new Revolution RT was unveiled at ESTRO 2024 Congress in Glasgow , along with an updated and Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) -enhanced version of the Intelligent Radiation Therapy ( iRT ) platform , which interfaces with the Spectronic magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) Planner .

One of the biggest challenges of oncology care is the complexity of the disease – both in the many varieties of cancer , and the disparate ways it can present in each individual patient – requiring diligence and personalisation in diagnosis and treatment . Additionally , treatment often requires the expertise of multiple disciplines and experts related to specific organs and systems in the body , resulting in potential delays to diagnosis and timely treatment . According to research published by the British Medical Journal , the mortality risk increases 6 – 13 % for every month a diagnosis is delayed , therefore , it is critical to streamline the complex oncology care pathway and reduce the time from diagnosis to treatment , ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes .
Dr Taha Kass-Hout , Chief Technology and Science Officer of GE HealthCare , said : “ Our showcase at ESTRO this year highlights innovations that will allow clinicians to view the patient ’ s anatomy with great accuracy , helping facilitate precise tumour targetting while aiming to protect nearby healthy tissue . By integrating these capabilities into our systems , we create a precise , more connected and efficient care environment that accelerates the delivery of personalised care , with the goal of enabling better patient outcomes . This comprehensive approach empowers clinicians around the globe to tackle the most challenging disease states with precision and efficiency .”
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