Intelligent Issue 20 | Page 9



Headspace , the comprehensive mental health platform , has announced it now offers mental health coaching for its direct-to-consumer subscriber base and will bring therapy services to consumers later in 2024 . in navigating these emotional waves , offering tailored guidance , practical strategies and curated resources to forge a path forward ,” said Jenna Glover , PhD , Chief Clinical Officer , Headspace . “ By bringing mental health services to consumers , we ’ re advancing our mission of providing every person with lifelong mental health support . We believe coaching is a lower-cost and more accessible level of care than therapy that can help the majority of our members stay on track with health and wellness goals and feel supported .”

Beginning this month , US consumers can sign up to access one-on-one support from a mental health coach , enabling them to tackle a wide range of life challenges that may not require a therapist . Headspace mental health coaches can help people with everything from managing everyday stress and building healthier relationships , to getting more restful sleep and improving emotional resilience . Members can chat with a coach on their own time , from anywhere , all within the Headspace app .
“ The reality is that mental health is not linear ; in fact , it ’ s quite the opposite . One day , a person may feel like they can manage anxious thoughts with a simple breathing exercise . The next day , they may need to unpack a mountain of emotions . Mental health coaches adeptly assist people


Tempus , a leader in Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) and precision medicine , is introducing Tempus Next , a care pathway intelligence platform . By harnessing the power of AI , Tempus Next identifies care gaps and equips clinicians with actionable insights at the point of care , supporting access to the most up-to-date , guideline-directed treatments .

Tempus Next is designed to accelerate the adoption of precision medicine and enhance patient outcomes . The solution integrates seamlessly with EMRs in order to analyse a comprehensive suite of data – including clinical notes , molecular information and imaging – to pinpoint deviations from care guidelines . Participating health systems receive regular updates , enabling them to maintain high care quality standards and track patient outcomes effectively .
“ Given that Tempus is now connected in near real time to more than 50 % of all oncologists in the US , we have the ability to deploy AI solutions at a scale that has historically not been possible ,” said Eric Lefkofsky , CEO and Founder of Tempus . “ The increasing complexity of guidelines and the compounding data that physicians need to access in order to treat their patients has created a growing number of care gaps . Next is designed to help close those gaps by seamlessly notifying care teams when a guideline or standard is not being followed , so that every patient has access to the personalised attention and treatment they deserve .”
Tempus has extensive experience delivering care pathway intelligence in cardiology , with over sixty care pathway intelligence algorithms in cardiovascular disease currently deployed across more than eighty hospitals . Tempus Next has expanded into oncology , starting with lung cancer and breast cancer , with a number of leading institutions .
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