Intelligent Issue 21 | Page 27

E D I T O R ' S Q U E S T I O N

In MedTech , numerous technologies are enhancing preventative healthcare , and improving patient outcomes while reducing the burden on healthcare systems , both in terms of costs and resources . Remarkable advancements in AI are revolutionising patient care . Through advanced algorithms and Machine Learning , AI can analyse vast medical datasets with unprecedented precision and speed . For example , as noted in the Clarivate MedTech Trends to Watch 2024 report , AI-trained programmes can evaluate hundreds to thousands of imaging scans , far exceeding the capacity of human technicians who can assess a maximum of 100 scans daily . This information can be used to identify high-risk patients and the early detection of conditions / diseases that may not have been possible through traditional screening methods .

AI technologies can also be used to support clinician decisions and assess the potential outcomes of these choices . This capability is especially valuable in complex diseases like cancer , where early detection and precise treatment are crucial . Overall , AI use can alter the course of patient management – such as making it possible for early intervention before disease progression makes treatment more complicated , risky or costly
– improving outcomes and reducing costs . For this reason , Clarivate projects double-digit growth of AI in healthcare in the coming years .
Smart wearables and remote monitoring also play a crucial role in preventative healthcare . They can track patient activity and other parameters , yielding valuable data that can be utilised to assess patient health levels and manage their care accordingly . These technologies also allow patients to play a more active role in monitoring and tracking their health so they can seek clinician support if there are concerns .
Post-treatment , the use of remote monitoring and wearable technologies can be useful in preventing future complications and further interventions down the line . Clinicians can use these technologies to remotely monitor patients and communicate with them , reducing in-person follow-ups and facilitating the early identification of posttreatment issues .
However , various factors will be crucial to adoption of these technologies and to encourage patient buy-in . With AI , there are regulatory and ethical considerations , as well as the need to ensure the accuracy and quality of outputs . The costly process of AI development could inflate product prices , potentially spilling over to patients or payers . Affordability will also be key to the uptake of smart wearables and remote monitoring , as will proper training of patients and clinicians to yield the best outcomes . Finally , cybersecurity issues will remain at the forefront of technologies involving sensitive data . Despite these challenges , these technologies hold significant promise in preventative healthcare going forward . �



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