Today , Artificial Intelligence is perceived as a revolutionary force that will change the rules of the game or as a Leviathan overvalued by some and undervalued by others . Personally , I consider it another milestone of the innovations that have driven the advancement of humanity , similar to the industrial or scientific revolution and , like them , capable of being used for good or to unleash chaos .
The potential of AI for business is unquestionable . Predictive AI is already being used to recognise patterns , achieve dramatic efficiency improvements , or solve business and social problems more quickly and effectively . For example , it allows us to predict how proteins fold in medical research or protect users and companies with the detection of financial fraud , and its power to process enormous amounts of data helps in decision-making and is transforming the way we face climate change , the greatest threat to humanity .
Even better , Generative AI not only recognises but generates new patterns , making software developers more productive , content creators delivering even more immersive experiences to their audiences , and customers , employees , citizens and students finding the information they need in a much easier way . And all this mountain of possibilities is made of a single material : data .
Yes , Artificial Intelligence is nourished by data and , therefore , its storage , security and accessibility are crucial for the analyses provided by AI . Eminent computer scientist Peter Norvig summed it up elegantly : “ More data beats smart algorithms , but better data beats more data .” In this way , Generative AI deployment projects will only reach as far as the quality of the data that feeds them reaches . And , as AI evolves and becomes an integral part of businesses , the importance of an intelligent data infrastructure becomes paramount .
Data integration , performance and trust needs
To put their data ‘ to work ’, companies must manage multiple versions of their models and keep them up-to-date with the most recent data sets . This requires a free flow of data , regardless of whether it is the organisation ’ s
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