Intelligent Issue 23 | Page 43

I N D U S T R Y I N V E S T I G A T I O N and professional medical actors playing the role of patients and families .
The results from Phase 2 are now published in the Future Healthcare Journal .
The clinicians who took part reported significantly reduced perceived workload and improved experience when assisted with TORTUS , with 100 % saying that they felt they could give their full attention to patients when using the tool . The actors playing the role of patients also noted an improved experience , with 87 % strongly agreeing that the clinician was fully attentive during AI-assisted consultations compared to 75 % with EHR alone .
It was encouraging to see that when measured by the Sheffield Assessment Instrument for Letters ( SAIL ), the quality of the documentation produced was of as good , if not better , quality when the tool was used .
The results of the study suggest that integrating this type of AI technology shows significant promise for streamlining the documentation process , reducing clinician burnout , and improving overall patient experience and care .
We are now testing the tool in real GOSH outpatient consultations , where we will review feedback from our patients and their families . �
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