Intelligent Issue 23 | Page 69

S C R U B B I N G U P communicate effectively to their customers . That should include giving users control over where their data is shared and providing assurances about the ownership of that data . New technology such as blockchain , end-to-end encryption , and personal data management platforms also offer ways to protect customer data and strengthen their confidence in how their information is being shared and used .
Brands both need to convince consumers that they are a safe pair of hands and that they will benefit from sharing their data by getting a better , more personalised product . Giving up sensitive data for a standard set of graphs is less likely to appeal to the user than a product that uses individual information to provide genuinely useful and surprising insights .
David Knies , wellness and innovation expert at PA Consulting
Interestingly , the desire for hyperpersonalised products is most evident in sleep management . Sleep is increasingly recognised as the cornerstone of wellness :
it is the foundational ‘ stackable ’ habit that supports emotional and physical health . Once limited to products such as mattresses and sleeping pills , the approach to improving sleep now connects in with sports recovery , mental health , and nutrition . Consumers are investing in temperature-regulating mattresses and lighting that adapts to their routines . Apps now track sleep alongside diet , exercise , menstrual cycles and mental health data .
However , many brands have yet to tap into this market by offering truly personal sleep offerings . Those that lean into the stackable wellness economy today will be well-positioned to capitalise on consumers ’ growing interest in sleep . This could take the form of partnerships with other brands to help users manage their sleep more holistically , rethinking the ‘ rest and regeneration ’ aspects of a product portfolio , or even looking at how to innovate sleep-centric technologies and formulations , such as harnessing sensory design and biofeedback .
The future of HealthTech increasingly lies in hyper-personalisation . Companies that address consumer needs , integrate key areas of wellness , and leverage data to create bespoke solutions will lead the next era of HealthTech . The market is primed for offerings as unique as individuals ’ DNA , with trusted brands poised to capture their share of this expanding frontier . �
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