Intelligent Issue 24 | Page 27

E D I T O R ' S Q U E S T I O N

It ’ s important to acknowledge that , broadly speaking , the HealthTech industry does indeed prioritise profitability over equitable access . This is not necessarily due to a lack of concern for equity , but rather a reflection of the market-driven ecosystem in which these companies operate . As an executive who has worked closely with health systems for years , I ’ ve observed that core budgets are rarely allocated to initiatives specifically targeting equitable access unless there are external incentives or grant funding available . This prioritisation of profitability is not inherently negative ; it drives innovation and enables companies to scale their solutions . However , it does create a tension with the goal of bridging healthcare gaps for lower-income populations . The challenge lies in finding a balance between these competing priorities .

That being said , it would be inaccurate to paint the entire HealthTech industry with a broad brush . There are indeed companies and platforms emerging that place a strong emphasis on equitable access . For instance , Zócalo Health is building a technology-enabled health service specifically designed to address healthcare disparities in underserved
Latino communities . Such initiatives demonstrate that it is possible to create sustainable business models while prioritising equity .
Telehealth platforms have made significant strides in improving access to healthcare services , particularly in rural or underserved areas . The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of these technologies , bringing care to populations that previously faced geographical barriers .
However , it ’ s crucial to note that technology alone is not a panacea . The workforce behind these platforms often lacks the cultural competence and specific experience needed to effectively serve underserved communities . This highlights the need for comprehensive approaches that combine technological solutions with targeted training and community engagement .
In my years of experience , I ’ ve come to understand that technology has the potential to be a great equaliser in healthcare . However , this potential can only be realised if equitable access is prioritised in the design , implementation and scaling of these solutions . Unfortunately , we often see a disconnect between the technological capabilities and the resources allocated to ensure these tools reach and effectively serve all populations . Market forces undeniably play a significant role in shaping the HealthTech landscape . Investors and stakeholders naturally seek returns on their investments , which can sometimes lead to a focus on more lucrative market segments at the expense of underserved populations . However , I believe there ’ s a growing recognition that addressing healthcare disparities is not just a moral imperative but also a long-term business opportunity . As value-based care models gain traction , there ’ s increasing alignment between improving health outcomes for underserved populations and financial incentives for healthcare providers and technology companies .
It ’ s also worth noting that policy and regulation play a crucial role in this ecosystem . Government initiatives , such as the promotion of interoperability standards and the expansion of reimbursement for digital health services , can help create a more level playing field and incentivise HealthTech companies to focus on equitable access . In conclusion , while it ’ s true that profitability often takes precedence over equitable access in the HealthTech industry , I believe we ’ re at a turning point . The increasing recognition of healthcare disparities , coupled with evolving payment models and policy initiatives , is creating an environment where addressing equity is becoming both a moral and business imperative . The key lies in fostering partnerships between technology companies , healthcare providers , community organisations and policymakers to ensure that innovative solutions are designed and implemented with equity at their core . �



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