Intelligent Issue 24 | Page 33


In most areas of HealthTech , software typically assists traditional treatments . Neurotech has a clear USP – it ’ s one of the only digital therapeutics in the world where the technology can be the treatment itself .

Take Augmented Reality ( AR ), where glasses have been developed to overlay digital images on to real-world environments , providing multi-sensory cues for gait and balance training programmes as well as gamified exercises .
Strolll , a neuro-rehab start-up , uses the technology as neuro-rehabilitation and physical therapy for patients with neurological conditions . Initially developed for patients with Parkinson ’ s disease , it can also be rolled out in future to other conditions affecting motor systems such as stroke and MS .
This is just one application of neurotech , which the UK ’ s Regulatory Horizons Council predicts will have a US $ 17bn global market value by 2026 with a huge variety of applications .
Neurotech start-ups should be excited about the possibilities that exist if they ’ re able to scale up their technology . Doing so requires hard work , access to relevant expertise and a willingness to collaborate with the right partners .
Proving efficacy via partnerships
Developing a minimum viable product may feel like the culmination of a long journey from ideation to realisation , but it ’ s only the beginning in truth .
For a start-up , proving efficacy and value may require collaborating with more established partners , such as healthcare providers , research institutions , digital health incubators , industry associations and other businesses . This can facilitate growth , innovation and market penetration .
Strolll partnered with Vrije University in Amsterdam , University of Leeds and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust for proof-of-concept and feasibility studies involving its AR glasses , acquiring both intellectual property and know-how .
These learnings became part of its Strolll AR product , which provides access to visual and audio cues used in gait and balance training programmes . Validation from well-regarded institutions also helped to win millions in equity funding and innovation grants to fuel growth .
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