Intelligent Issue 24 | Page 43

I N D U S T R Y I N V E S T I G A T I O N capacity to make well informed choices regarding their dental wellbeing .
MAS Clinic acknowledges the significant impact AI can have on healthcare . Although AI is not meant to supplant human intelligence , it functions as a valuable assistant improving the precision and effectiveness of dental assessments . The swift advancement of AI in the field may lead to varying levels of acceptance but MAS Clinic is dedicated to leading the way in embracing this evolution .
“ Being an adopter of AI is essential to showcase our clinic ’ s dedication to delivering outstanding care to our patients ”, said Dr Khalil Karam , MAS Center Manager . “ At MAS Clinic , we take pride in partnering with leading experts in the AI sector to introduce advancements to the dental field ”.
The healthcare sector is moving towards using metrics and data visualisation to make decisions , which not only makes information clearer but also helps improve patient health outcomes . As AI technology advances , its role in improving communication including interactions will be crucial for better health management and overall wellbeing especially for individuals with impairments . �
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