Intelligent Issue 24 | Page 45


R E G I O N A L C H E C K - U P
Healthcare challenges cannot be solved alone
We know we cannot take on healthcare ’ s toughest challenges alone . As leading industry innovators , we must be the convener of conversations with partners to help share the experiences , resources and perspectives needed to make a positive difference .
Guido Sander , General Manager of Roche Middle East to-middle-income countries ( LMICs ) are often the worst affected by health inequalities , with large diagnostic gaps leading to delays in treatment and premature deaths .
Change starts with innovation
Innovation in diagnostic technology has played a crucial role in accelerating clinical decision-making , helping healthcare professionals detect the risk of the disease and how it might progress , and identifying the best possible treatment decisions for patients .
However , innovation in healthcare is only realised when it reaches the patients who need it .
Complex factors such as financing , disease awareness , infrastructure and human capital challenges all play a role in the ability to deliver innovations to the people who need them .
Without collaboration , and acknowledgement of the need for multiple partners , with different skills and expertise , to come together in finding solutions , we will not make progress in the delivery of solutions to our populations .
One particular example of a successful partnership is the strengthening of lab systems . This has created significant opportunities to expand training opportunities and increase access to testing capabilities through workflow management , which delivers greater efficiencies and ultimately improves patient outcomes .
Last year , for example , Roche expanded collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) to strengthen laboratory systems in countries across Africa , Eastern Europe , Central Asia and the Western Hemisphere , which have been affected the most by the HIV and tuberculosis epidemics .
The provision of diagnostic testing , together with the critical role of partnership working , brought about greater access to life-saving treatment .
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