Intelligent Issue 27 | Page 21


• Biophoton detection for disease diagnostics
• Microbiome analysis
The report noted that quantum sensors can solve numerous challenges that classical computers cannot , such as allowing for less-error-prone machines and significantly shrinking the size of some medical testing devices , possibly leading to better medical outcomes .
“ Using quantum sensors for biomedical applications has the potential to revolutionise our approach to treating health conditions ,” said Geetha Senthil , PhD , Deputy Director of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences , Office of Special Initiatives , at the National Institutes of Health ( NIH ).
The report presents three recommendations for accelerating the development of quantum sensors for biomedical applications in the public and private sectors as well as academia .
• Increase collaboration between quantum sensor developers and users so developers are aware of use cases .
• Improve cross-sector cooperation and establish more labs for testing at existing national labs or research universities .
• Improve funding of high-impact , high-feasibility biomedical research from federal agencies and venture capital .
The full report is available here : https :// quantumconsortium . org / quantum-sensing-for-biomedicalapplications / �
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