T H E L A B ' S L A T E S T
Surgical robotics pioneer Andromeda Surgical has announced a groundbreaking milestone : Dr Cristián Trucco of Universidad Católica performed the world ’ s first roboticassisted holmium laser enucleation of the prostate ( HoLEP ) using Andromeda ’ s platform . This historic operation , performed via a tablet interface , marks the start of Andromeda ’ s ASTRA clinical trial . Dr Trucco and Dr Rodrigo Ledezma of Universidad de Chile will continue enrolling patients in the coming months .
A team of doctors and researchers from the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital and Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan and of bioengineers from the Scuola Superiore Sant ’ Anna of Pisa , has obtained promising results in the treatment of spinal cord injuries , thanks to an innovative protocol based on high-frequency , epidural electric stimulation . The study , published in Science Translational Medicine , has shown that this technique significantly reduces muscle spasticity and improves motor functions in patients with spinal cord injury .
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