Intelligent Issue 13 | Page 45


R E G I O N A L C H E C K - U P
Panorama Route , Graskop , Mpumalanga , South Africa


Budget problems : complex allocation and slow execution
One of the primary barriers to addressing pit latrine eradication is significant financial constraints . This challenge has two facets . Firstly , there is often an allocation of funds to address sanitation problems at the provincial level , but the actual spending and execution of these funds can be complex and slow , hampering progress .
Secondly , the ability to unlock funding and execute projects is impeded by various factors , including navigating tender and procurement processes that move at a glacial pace , sometimes taking longer than two years . Additionally , at a local level , municipalities struggle to effectively utilise their allocated funds due to geographically remote locations . Many affected communities are in rural areas , which makes it a struggle to find suitable or reputable contractors and resources to address the issue , particularly where procurement processes have a locally sourced requirement .
Danger to the health , safety and dignity of communities
Pit latrines in South Africa pose a host of dangers that encompass health risks , environmental degradation and human dignity violations . These inadequate facilities foster disease transmission due to unsanitary conditions and groundwater contamination , jeopardising community health . Improper waste disposal contributes to soil and water pollution , while lack of access to safe sanitation infringes upon human rights , particularly affecting the privacy and safety of women , girls and vulnerable community members .
Toward practical , effective resolution
Urgent , holistic solutions are needed to mitigate these multifaceted dilemmas . After assessing various proposed solutions , including advanced technological concepts suggested by international NGOs such as solar panels and reactors , it is clear that South Africa needs a tailored , practical and cost-effective approach . These solutions should address factors such as vulnerability , theft and vandalism considerations while also meeting relevant criteria . Taking input from a variety of sources , the focus has turned to identifying realistic alternatives that can bring substantial improvement without incurring exorbitant expenses , while meeting the necessary criteria for safety , serviceability and dignity .
A uniquely engineered , uniquely South African alternative
After years of refinement , a suitable solution has been engineered specifically for South Africa ’ s challenging conditions . The Khusela Dry Sanitation Tank ( DST ) unit brings together all the most viable aspects gleaned from the assessment journey . It ensures children ’ s safety and prevents them from falling into open pits . It also provides a dignified experience for residents by eliminating the smell and sight of waste . This dry sanitation toilet incorporates unique features like a rotating bowl and a replaceable bladder for improved sanitation and
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