Intelligent Issue 13 | Page 46

R E G I O N A L C H E C K - U P
Robert Erasmus , Managing Director at Sanitech environmental considerations , which means that there is no more exposure to raw waste and associated health risks . Additionally , its self-contained waste bladder means that underground water is protected from contamination , an important consideration in our water-scarce country .
Community Health and dignity : a CSI initiative
Simple to install , the Khusela DST unit can be retrofitted to current Ventilated Improved Pit ( VIP ) pit latrines , which makes it a cost-effective , feasible improvement . The only challenge that remains is addressing how to get this solution out to where it ’ s most needed , given all the hurdles currently slowing the government down in its efforts to eradicate pit latrines . If we ’ re to move with any kind of urgency , we must sidestep the cumbersome public sector processes as much as possible . This is where the private sector and corporate entities can play an instrumental role . Collaborative initiatives through Corporate Social Investment ( CSI ) projects offer a speedier route to progress .
By partnering with a reputable sanitation expert , corporates can ensure effective project execution that meets expectations and with a collaborative CSI approach , these challenges can be addressed expeditiously . Investing in sanitation is not only impactful with its vital role in safeguarding communities ' health and safety but most particularly for the safety and wellness of children in schools . While sanitation projects may not possess the same immediate appeal as other initiatives , directing CSI resources toward this fundamental need will ultimately yield significant and lasting positive results , going a long way toward restoring the health and dignity of affected communities . �
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