Intelligent Issue 13 | Page 49


wWho has benefitted from the roll-out ?

We ’ re rolling Zivver out for every one of our 2,500 members of staff . While not every employee will use Zivver day to day , we ’ re implementing it for everyone . The business rule functionality is very helpful , and we ’ re investigating new opportunities to create more ways to empower all employees to avoid causing data leaks through simple mistakes .
How has Zivver helped with email communication ?
Zivver integrates with Outlook and enables us to send large files straight from the email client . This comes in useful for many of our employees .
For example , our Subject Access Request Team fulfils requests of all sizes ; they can vary between 50 and thousands of documents . Historically , we have posted these , which are both time-consuming and very costly . We have also used a bespoke file transfer site , but this has proven less than user-friendly for recipients . Zivver saves time , ensures best practice on a data protection front and is easy for patients .
The ability to send large files securely by email helps deal with other stakeholders too . For example , on occasion , we have cause to engage with solicitors who may be handling cases on behalf of patients . Often , these firms have firewalls in place which prevent them from accepting files sent via third party sites – but they do accept secure emails and attachments sent via Zivver .
How does Zivver enhance email security ?
One of the main things that attracted me to Zivver was the fact that it enables two-way secure email . This means that not only can our employees ’ email securely , but non- Zivver users outside of the trust , including patients , can email our staff securely too .
Zivver makes this really easy . Recipients don ’ t need to create Zivver accounts or log in to any portals . It ’ s as easy as replying to an email ! Previously , this hasn ’ t been possible , but this functionality is beneficial for so many reasons .
For example , our Private Patient Team will often send a patient a form to complete . Previously , while they were able to send the form securely to the patient , the patient was unable to return the form to us with the same levels of security applied . This meant that we were sending an email which contained little to no sensitive data securely , but the patient was returning it to us , complete with personally identifiable information , unencrypted . But with Zivver , patients can reply to our emails very easily and their data is protected .
Our overseas administrator manages referrals of new patients . In the instance that we require confirmation that they can be treated at the trust , our administrator sends a request to the patient for proof of residency or identification , for example . Understandably , the patient may not want to supply us with original documents and not everyone has access to a scanner or printer .
However , most people have access to a mobile phone with a camera and are more willing to correspond with us via email than post . So , we will send the patient a secure email and ask them to reply to it with their documentation attached . Their data is secure , and the process is quick and easy for the patient .
How does Zivver protect data in research and development ?
Our Research and Development team is currently facilitating a study which involves approximately eight other hospitals . The project requires our team to collect and collate data from these hospitals every few weeks before passing it on to the sponsor .
Originally , the plan was to provide the hospitals with USB sticks . The hospital would transfer the required data onto the USB sticks before posting the stick to us . We would then download the data and return the USB stick to them in the post . The cost of couriers alone was impractical , not to mention the potential data loss in the instance that a stick was lost . In this instance , the amount of data provided is quite small , so they can simply input it into the body of the email . Of course , if the amount of data provided was bigger , they ’ d still be

MAIL SECURITY NOLOGY able to send us large files securely via Zivver , without having to create accounts . What was originally going to be a very time-consuming process is now straightforward and far more secure .

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