Intelligent Issue 19 | Page 14



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Medical Teams International
Unit4 provides Medical Teams International with a single , connected enterprise resource planning ( ERP ) platform to maximise resources , reduce costs , and increase accountability – ultimately driving more impactful programmes . As the modern , cloud-based system is steadily rolled out worldwide , staff will have the trusted data at hand to better manage people , projects , grants and funding .
Key benefits include :
• Single , connected view of financial processes supporting more agile , controlled delivery of humanitarian aid programmes worldwide
• Accurate , complete finance and HR visibility for improved accountability and compliance
• ERP platform designed specifically for nonprofits accelerates worldwide roll-out
• Cloud platform ensures low TCO , flexibility and repeatability as the organisation grows
Care for people in crisis
Medical Teams International provides lifesaving medical care for people in crisis , such as survivors of natural disasters and refugees . The charitable organisation dares to ‘ love like Jesus ,’ serving all people – regardless of religion , nationality , gender or race . Uganda proved to be the catalyst for a fundamental change in the way the organisation manages its international operations . The charity was hampered by rudimentary , fragmented finance and HR processes used to manage its 1,600 staff and volunteers in this East African country . In response , Medical Teams transitioned two years ago to a connected Unit4 ERP platform .
“ Unit4 provides us with a single , integrated view of finance , HR and payroll in Uganda ,” said Stephe Dean , IT Director at Medical Teams . “ For the first time , we have a complete picture of our finance situation , a clear profile of the people in-country , and a reliable , automated payroll system . This shared view of operational data is essential for Medical Teams to deliver on its humanitarian mission .”
Modernising and scaling the organisation
The deployment in Uganda coincided with a global strategic change in the organisation – one aimed at transforming the charity for the future . “ We have a rich , 40-year history of refugee health care , disaster relief and mobile dental programmes . Our ambition now is to adopt a more global outlook , modernising and scaling the organisation to be able to help more people , in more countries , in more ways ,” said Dean . “ Our five-year goal is to triple the impact of Medical Teams International globally .”
This is where Unit4 comes in . The peoplecentric ERP platform is purpose-built for nonprofits like Medical Teams and – spurred on by the success in Africa – was the first choice for the wider , global ERP implementation . “ With Unit4 , we can break free from our legacy in-country systems , standardise our operations worldwide , and scale service delivery ,” Dean explains . “ This product is focused on the not-for-profit sector and has the functionality we require , and it continues to evolve with our growing needs .”
Today , Medical Teams International is live on a cloud-based Unit4 ERP platform , comprising integrated finance , procurement , HR and payroll in Uganda and Tanzania . The US operation is live on Finance Management , with Colombia and Ethiopia run from this instance ( although they will be devolved into their own instance in due course ). “ This single platform gives us great flexibility and repeatability . We can quickly bring a new region onto Unit4 using process commonality .” �
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