Intelligent Issue 19 | Page 15



Adoption of Medical IoT in healthcare organisations continues to surge
Gaining momentum during the pandemic , the expanded use of connected medical devices has become a fundamental part of the healthcare system . Medical IoT ’ s irrevocable transformation of the healthcare industry was evident after the pandemic . With steady growth over the past decade , connected medical device use has exploded . Medical IoT devices are now routinely used across the continuum of care . However , security for these connected devices has lagged .
Across the healthcare industry , the security risk exposure of IoT devices is high .
• 41 % of attacks exploit vulnerabilities in IoT devices
• 57 % of medium to high severity attacks occur on medical IoT devices
• 83 % of medical imaging systems run on unsupported operating systems
• 75 % of infusion pumps have unpatched vulnerabilities
Trust-based security is the weakest link Medical IoT devices provide a tremendously expanded attack surface with a remarkably low barrier to entry for cyberattackers . Healthcare providers must adopt a new security paradigm to combat these threats .
Several of the many factors that put medical IoT devicesat elevated risk are :
• Legacy operating systems
• Unsegmented networks
• Pre-existing vulnerabilities
• Elusive device discovery and identification
• Authentication challenges
“ 53 % of connected medical devices and other healthcare IoT devices have at least one unaddressed critical vulnerability that could potentially be exploited to gain access to networks and sensitive data or affect the availability of the devices .
“ Despite the explosion of medical IoT devices , security remains a challenge .” According to Gartner , “ Today , most solutions in the space take a reactive approach to medical device security .”
Most existing security systems depend on trusting the connected users , applications , and devices . Because of this , application traffic can flow unrestricted – including that generated from connected medical devices . With the rise of clinical IoT devices and other changes , such as cloud migration and hybrid work , the traditional network perimeter is no longer a circle of trust .
With healthcare now a top target for cybercriminals , the millions of clinical IoT devices that collect and store sensitive data are vulnerable to attack . According to the American Hospital Association : ‘ stolen health records may sell up to 10 times or more than stolen credit card numbers on the dark web .’ �
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