Intelligent Issue 19 | Page 43

I N D U S T R Y I N V E S T I G A T I O N don ’ t need significant clinical intervention . But we know that the longer people wait to get help , the more likely they are to deteriorate , escalating risk levels and making it harder to recover . It ’ s worrying that people aren ’ t getting support , due to embarrassment , not feeling ‘ sick enough ’, shame , stigma and a lack of knowledge , or practical considerations such as getting an appointment . Not having help can result in increasing severity and longevity and has significant implications for the individual , society and our workforce . It ’ s clear that articulating our deepest feelings to others , even professionals or HR teams , is still challenging for so many . But the technology is available now for a digital front door to get the support that people need when they need it . It may be that we need more avenues to seek support , from an appointment with a GP to an app on your phone , catering for different needs and situations .
What is essential is that this is measured . According to a recent Deloitte study , large firms invest US $ 10 million in employee wellness , yet issues like burnout and mental health continue to escalate . There ’ s evident room for improvement . It ’ s crucial to incorporate impact assessment tools within these wellness projects . Technology like Wysa offers the capability to quantify the issue , empowering businesses with data to inform decisions about prioritising resources .
Establishing a direct link between interventions and results , especially in the realm of mental health with its emphasis on long-term outcomes presents hurdles . As well as standard mental health assessments such as PHQ-9 and GAD-7 businesses can examine other indicators such as paid leave ( indicative of relaxation ), absenteeism and learning hours . Technology enables the integration of metrics within the programme itself , alleviating individual strain and minimising expenses , all seamlessly incorporated into the programme ’ s journey .
Currently , the burden falls on the NHS to solve the mental health crisis . But we can see that employees are struggling more than the average population . The current delivery model is unable to cope with the scale of demand , so we need other solutions . Given that these people are quite simply responsible for driving forward the health of the economy , we need to support them to be their very best , for their own well-being and society ’ s . The research points to a collaborative approach , where employers signpost and support their staff to get the help they need . HR can be that front door to recovery .
Wysa is a global leader in AI-driven mental health support , available both to individuals , through employer benefits programmes and healthcare services . We believe access to support should be available whenever people need it . Stigma prevails , so we take away the need for people to ask for help and eliminate the need for people to make a judgment call on when they should seek professional support . Proven to improve depression and anxiety scores by an average of 31 %, Wysa ’ s AIfirst approach enables employees to improve their mental health before symptoms become severe , by understanding an individual ’ s needs and guiding them through interactive this was introduced in the intro so can just be CBT interactive CBT exercises ( CBT ) exercises . Wysa ’ s clinically safe AI encourages users to take additional support , whenever it ’ s needed , by guiding them towards Wysa ’ s human coaching , employer benefits programmes ( EAP ) or national crisis lines . Wysa has helped over 6 million people through 550 million AI conversations across 95 countries . �
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