Intelligent Issue 19 | Page 44



R E G I O N A L C H E C K - U P


Laurie Hawkins , CEO of AITIA Global , champions Australia ’ s healthcare sustainability in a digital age . Hawkins ’ article delves into the nation ’ s journey towards sustainable healthcare , emphasising the critical role of Digital Transformation in shaping a healthier future .

The health sector is grappling with an urgent and unprecedented crisis , marked by the onslaught of chronic diseases , an ageing population , financial costs and healthcare professional shortages , all of which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic . Despite ongoing efforts , the mounting demands and sustainability risks continue to pose a significant challenge , and the need for effective change is pressing .

The prevalence of chronic conditions and their root causes presents a colossal challenge to healthcare systems worldwide . Digital
Transformation , with its potential to streamline processes , improve data management and enhance patient care , could be a game-changer in this scenario .
The Australian government ’ s Department of Health and Aged Care states : ‘ Chronic conditions are the leading cause of illness , disability and death in Australia .’ This will threaten to overwhelm Australia ’ s health budget , health service capacity and health workforce .
The significance of disease prevention is undervalued , and we don ’ t do
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