R E G I O N A L C H E C K - U P
Despite significant challenges , women are breaking barriers , assuming influential roles , and driving meaningful change in the technology sector . This shift not only highlights their resilience but also marks a critical step toward achieving gender equity across the industry . We must also consider that technology made by women , has women in mind , underlining the importance of women in STEM across all industries outside of health . In this article by Tshidisegang Mosenyegi , Head of Integrated Marketing for the EMEA region at Infobip , we explore the initiatives , successes and ongoing challenges facing women in tech and the importance of creating a more inclusive and diverse industry .
It is crucial to acknowledge the remarkable progress women have made in the technology sector . Despite the obstacles women face , they are increasingly assuming key roles and making significant contributions to the industry . This growth in female representation is not only a testament to their perseverance but also a vital step towards achieving gender equity in the workplace .
In recent years , the technology sector has witnessed remarkable progress driven by talented and visionary women . Their presence and influence are reshaping the industry , fostering innovation , and creating more inclusive workplaces . However , we must recognise that there is still much work to be done . According to recent statistics , only 23 % of tech jobs in South Africa are held by women , with 56,000 women occupying 236,000 ICT roles . This gap shows the need for companies to actively work towards increasing diversity and inclusion .
Research has consistently shown that higher diversity correlates with higher productivity and profit . Diverse teams bring different perspectives , ideas and approaches to problem-solving , which are invaluable in the fast-paced
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